3,216. When It's Better Not to Accept Charity

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 10:17

The Sages commanded that needy people and orphans should be made members of one’s household in lieu of servants. It’s much better to employ them and thereby enable our Jewish brethren to benefit. Increasing the number of servants in one’s home increases sin in the world every day, but if one makes the needy members of his household, he gains merits and mitzvos every hour.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 10:18

It is preferable to endure hardship rather than make oneself a burden on the community. The Sages said that one should make Shabbos like a weekday (i.e., less elaborate) rather than relying on charity. Even a prominent scholar who becomes needy should get himself a career, even menial labor, rather than relying on charity. It would be better to get a job skinning animal carcasses than to say, “I’m a scholar (or a kohein); therefore, support me.” Our Sages included woodcutters, those who carried beams, water-carriers, iron smelters and charcoal makers. They worked these jobs rather than asking their communities to support them or relying on gifts.