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Sotah 4:3-4

Sotah 4:3

If a woman is pregnant from another man or is nursing another man’s child, she neither drinks the bitter water nor collects the value of her kesubah; this is the opinion of Rabbi Meir. (Such a marriage is rabbinically prohibited. Rabbi Meir is of the opinion that they must divorce and cannot remarry.) The Sages say that the husband may separate from her and return after the prohibited time has passed. A woman who is infertile, post-menopausal or rendered sterile neither drinks nor collects the value of her kesubah. Rabbi Eliezer says that (the normal rules do apply to them because) the husband can always marry another woman to fulfill the obligation to procreate. All other women either drink the bitter water or collect the value of their kesubah.

Sotah 4:4

The sotah wife of a kohein drinks the bitter water and, if found innocent, remains permitted to her husband. The wife of a eunuch drinks. A warning may be given to a woman regarding anyone with whom intimacy is prohibited except for a minor and an animal (Numbers 5:13 specifying “a man”).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz