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Sotah 9:10-11

Sotah 9:10

Yochanan the Kohein Gadol did away with the confession recited over tithes (because the statement that first tithe was given to a Levi was not true in the second Temple). He also did away with the Leviim who would sing “Awake!” (Psalm 44:24) and striking the sacrifices between the eyes before slaughter. Before him, hammers could be heard in Jerusalem on chol hamoed (he did away with this). During his lifetime, no one needed to ask about demai (doubtfully-tithed produce, because of his enactments).

Sotah 9:11

Since the Sanhedrin was disbanded, singing has been discontinued in banquet halls as per Isaiah 24:9, “They do not drink wine with song.”

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz