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Gittin 3:4-5

Gittin 3:4

Rabbi Elazar ben Parta said three things in front of the Sages, which they validated. If a city is under siege, a ship is being tossed at sea or someone goes to be tried in a capital case, the presumption is that they are still alive. If a city has been conquered by the attackers, a ship is lost at sea or someone has been taken for execution, they apply the stringencies of both the living and the dead. In such a case, neither the daughter of a Yisroel married a kohein nor the daughter of a kohein married a Yisroel may eat terumah.

Gittin 3:5

If a messenger delivering a get within Israel gets sick, he can appoint another messenger in his place. If the husband who appointed the first messenger instructed him to receive some object from the wife, the messenger may not appoint another to take his place because the husband might not trust that other person with the object.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz