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Gittin 3:6-7

Gittin 3:6

If a messenger delivering a get from overseas gets sick, the court selects and sends a replacement. The original messenger must state that the get was written and signed in his presence but the replacement messenger need not say that. Rather, he states that he is operating as an agent of the court.

Gittin 3:7

If someone lent money to a kohein, a Levi or a needy person, calculating it against portions of terumah or maaser that he would later separate, he separates on the assumption that they are still alive. He need not be concerned that the kohein or Levi died or that the needy person became rich. If one of them did die, he must get permission from their heirs to retain ownership of the maaser or the proceeds from selling the terumah. If he made the loan in the presence of the court, he need not get permission from the heirs.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz